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IET Radar2015
Prof. Eli Brookner

Biography:The City College of the City of New York, ’53, MEE and DrSc: Columbia University ’55 and ’62.

Dr. Eli Brookner worked at Raytheon Company from 1962 until 2014 when he retired. There he was a Principal Engineering Fellow and worked on ASDE-X airport radar, ASTOR Air Surveillance Radar, RADARSAT II, Affordable Ground Based Radar (AGBR), major Space Based Radar programs, NAVSPASUR S-Band upgrade, COBRA DANE, PAVE PAWS, Missile Site Radar (MSR), COBRA JUDY Replacement, THAAD, Brazilian SIVAM, SPY-3, Patriot, BMEWS, UEWR, Surveillance Radar Program (SRP), Pathfinder marine radar, Long Range Radar (upgrade for >70 ATC ARSRs), COBRA DANE Upgrade, AMDR, Space Fence, 3DELRR, FAA NexGen ATC radar program. Prior to Raytheon he worked on radar at Columbia Un. Electronics Research Lab. (now RRI), Nicolet and Rome AF Lab.

Received IEEE 2006 Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technology & Application “For Pioneering Contributions to Phased Array Radar System Designs, to Radar Signal Processing Designs, and to Continuing Education Programs for Radar Engineers”; IEEE ’03 Warren White Award; Journal of the Franklin Institute Premium Award for best paper award for 1966; IEEE Wheeler Prize for Best Applications Paper for 1998. Fellow of IEEE, AIAA, MSS. Member of the National Academies Panel on Sensors & Electron Devices for Review of Army Research Lab. Sensors & Electron Devices Directorate (SEDD).

Published four books: Tracking and Kalman Filtering Made Easy, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998; Practical Phased Array Antenna Systems (1991), Aspects of Modern Radar (1988), and Radar Technology (1977), Artech House. Gives courses on Radar, Phased Arrays and Tracking around the world (25 countries). Over 10,000 attended these courses. Banquet/keynote speaker twelve times. >230 papers, talks and correspondences, >100 invited. 6 paper reprinted in Books of Reprints (one in 2 books). Contributed chapters to three books. 9 patents.

Title:Phased Arrays and Digital Beam Forming: Basics and Breakthroughs


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